Waking up every day to aching joint pain can have a severe impact on your quality of life, making it hard to carry out the normal activities in your daily routine. Dealing with chronic pain can take a toll on your emotional well-being as well as your physical health. Learning more about your options for managing advanced osteoarthritis pain is an important step for you to maintain a normal way of life. Check out these types of pain management treatments for osteoarthritis and consider which one might be best for you.
Reducing Risk Factors For Managing Osteoarthritis Pain
Your physician may recommend the reduction of risk factors in your lifestyle for helping you manage the daily pain of osteoarthritis. One of the most common risk factors for severe osteoarthritis pain is obesity. If you are overweight, your doctor may provide you with a weight loss plan, especially if your chronic pain comes from hip or knee pain. The more weight your knee and hip joints have to support, the higher your levels of pain may be. Too much weight bearing on your hip and knee joints can also lead to worsening joint conditions because of greater wear and tear. Other risk factors you can control during pain management include:
Pain Medication Your Doctor May Prescribe
When you are not a candidate for treatment options like joint replacement, your doctor may prescribe pain medication for helping manage your daily pain. Anti-inflammatory medications are commonly prescribed for osteoarthritis pain, but they can be hard on your stomach. If you are unable to take medications like ibuprofen or aspirin due to stomach irritation, your doctor may prescribe analgesics like acetaminophen. Taking medications as a daily part of your pain management may also include routine well checks for maintaining good liver and kidney functioning because of taking pain medications every day can have an impact on these organs.
Your normal routine may be hard on you if you are dealing with chronic, severe pain every day. Constant pain can also cause you to suffer from depression and anxiety, conditions that can lead to other debilitating medical issues. If you hurt every day because of osteoarthritis, take steps to discuss with your health care provider about a pain management option tailored for you.
Share7 November 2016
When it comes to taking care of yourself, some people only think about what they should avoid. However, making health care a priority is as much about preventing as it is about treating existing conditions. When I learned that I had skin cancer a few years ago, all I could think about was all of the sunblock I never put on. I want you to understand how to prevent problems, so that you can live a better life. Check out these articles to understand how to make health care a priority, and when you should visit with your doctor. It might seem like a small decision, but doing a little reading might make all the difference later.