Psoriasis: What Is It and How Is It Treated?


Psoriasis is a skin condition in which you have scaly, itchy patches on the skin. These patches can become inflamed when you scratch them and may ease from time to time, but they can reappear later. Psoriasis can be treated, but there is no cure for it. Psoriasis is an issue with the immunity system. It can be triggered by things such as stress, infection, and even the common cold. Read on for further information about psoriasis and what can be done to treat it.

What Is Psoriasis?

Again, psoriasis is a skin condition in which the skin cells become inflamed and become dry, itchy patches of skin. These dry skin cells build up to create thick patches of skin, which are usually seen on the elbows or knees, but they can be found in other areas of the body as well, including the neck and face. Your joints can also be affected by psoriasis, as they can become tight and sore. Psoriasis can affect those young or old, and both men and women. It isn't a contagious skin disorder, so there's no worry about transferring it to someone close to you.

How Is Psoriasis Treated?

Psoriasis is treated with topical ointments and with prescribed oral medications from your physician. Psoriasis cannot be cured, but treatment can help ease the symptoms of psoriasis. The medications given may need a trial period to see if it can help to treat your psoriasis. Staying healthy and avoiding the things that can trigger psoriasis can help with treatment as well. Doing something to help ease stress can be beneficial, such as working out or playing a sport, reading, or doing yoga. Doing anything that you enjoy doing can help prevent psoriasis flare-ups. Staying well and healthy by taking vitamins daily, drinking plenty of water, and eating a healthy diet can all be beneficial as well. Avoid being around others that are ill, and wash your hands often in order to prevent getting sick. These precautions can help treat your psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a skin condition that can make you feel self-conscious about these patches of skin. If you think you have psoriasis, you should get to your physician for a proper diagnosis and for treatment options. Talk to your physician about your symptoms and don't attempt to self-treat at home, as you could irritate the skin patches further. 

For more information about psoriasis, reach out to a local medical practice.


6 October 2020

Making Health Care A Priority

When it comes to taking care of yourself, some people only think about what they should avoid. However, making health care a priority is as much about preventing as it is about treating existing conditions. When I learned that I had skin cancer a few years ago, all I could think about was all of the sunblock I never put on. I want you to understand how to prevent problems, so that you can live a better life. Check out these articles to understand how to make health care a priority, and when you should visit with your doctor. It might seem like a small decision, but doing a little reading might make all the difference later.