Considering Neonatal Nursing? 3 Traits You Have To Have


If you're in nursing school and considering a specialty in neonatal nursing, you may have a bright future. There are plenty of reasons to love neonatal nursing. It's physically easier than most nursing jobs, since your patients are tiny and don't weigh very much. It can be very fulfilling work, and it's lucrative too – NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) nurses can earn more than $60,000 a year, and neonatal nurse practitioners can earn over $90,000 a year.

13 June 2016

Diagnosed With RMS? What Are Your Best Treatment Options?


If you've recently received the sobering diagnosis of rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), you may be wondering exactly what awaits you during the treatment process. Unlike breast cancer or prostate cancer, RMS is a relatively little-known type of cancer -- many of your family members and friends may find themselves consulting a search engine after hearing of your diagnosis. You may even find yourself resorting to internet research yourself to learn more about your condition and what you should do to rid your body of cancer for good.

7 June 2016

Better Handling Your Child's Deafness: How Nyle Dimarco Is Changing What It Means To Be Deaf In America


If you haven't seen or heard of Nyle DiMarco yet, you likely will soon. This reality television phenomenon has won both America's Next Top Model and Dancing with the Stars in 2015 and 2016 respectively. He is also profoundly deaf and has been since birth and is single-handedly changing what it means to be deaf in America.  When you have a child that you find out is deaf, you may have mixed emotions and be unsure of what to do.

2 June 2016

Pimple Popping: Should You Or Shouldn't You?


If you have acne, even occasionally, you have probably been told not to pop your pimples. All sorts of terrible things could happen if you do, people say, such as scarring and infection. Are all these warnings true? What should you do when you have a pimple? Popping Hazards When you have a big red pimple sitting on your upper lip, the temptation to pop it is nearly unbearable. It may be sore and uncomfortable, but the main issue is appearance.

27 May 2016

Find Out You Have Oral Cancer? 3 Professionals To Call


If you have recently found lesions in your mouth and your dentist did a biopsy only to find out that they were cancerous, you'll want to take action right away. Treating the oral cancer can be very successful if it's caught early and if you take action as quickly as possible. There are a few medical professionals that you want to see right away after you get the news from your family dentist.

19 May 2016

The DOT Physical: 5 Helpful Tips To Ensure You Pass With Flying Colors


If you are interested in obtaining your commercial drivers license, you will likely be required to take a DOT physical. This special medical examination ensures that you are healthy enough to operate large -- and potentially dangerous -- vehicles and machinery. While this exam might seem scary, it shouldn't. However, if you are worried about passing the physical, follow these five tips to ensure you pass: 1. Avoid Nicotine, Caffeine, and Cold Medications

13 May 2016

Urgent Care Waiting Room Etiquette: 4 Things You Need To Know


Nobody ever wants to find themselves in a situation where they need to seek medical attention from urgent care. However, when an injury or other medical condition needs attention (but doesn't quite warrant a trip to the hospital emergency room), urgent care is typically your best bet. If you find yourself needing to visit urgent care, however, there are some etiquette guidelines worth keeping in mind while you're in the waiting room.

9 May 2016