The DOT Physical: 5 Helpful Tips To Ensure You Pass With Flying Colors


If you are interested in obtaining your commercial drivers license, you will likely be required to take a DOT physical. This special medical examination ensures that you are healthy enough to operate large -- and potentially dangerous -- vehicles and machinery. While this exam might seem scary, it shouldn't. However, if you are worried about passing the physical, follow these five tips to ensure you pass: 1. Avoid Nicotine, Caffeine, and Cold Medications

13 May 2016

Urgent Care Waiting Room Etiquette: 4 Things You Need To Know


Nobody ever wants to find themselves in a situation where they need to seek medical attention from urgent care. However, when an injury or other medical condition needs attention (but doesn't quite warrant a trip to the hospital emergency room), urgent care is typically your best bet. If you find yourself needing to visit urgent care, however, there are some etiquette guidelines worth keeping in mind while you're in the waiting room.

9 May 2016

Understanding Your Child's Klippel-Feil Syndrome


When you are pregnant and anticipating the day your child is born, one of the last things that you could ever expect is that they would have some type of genetic disorder or condition when they are born. However, if this does happen to you and your child in the form of Klippel-Feil syndrome, you may find yourself in complete shock. To ensure that you and your baby's doctors at the infant care clinic and hospital take the best possible care of your child, get to know more about this rare condition and what you can do for your child going forward.

4 May 2016

3 Reasons To Consider Infusion Therapy


One of the most useful methods for taking medication is infusion therapy, mostly because of the many benefits that it can provide. Infusion therapy consists of using an IV to inject the required medications directly into your veins, rather than having you ingest the medication. Listed below are just a few of the many reasons to consider infusion therapy. Convenient One of the biggest reasons to utilize infusion therapy is that it is quite convenient to get.

2 May 2016

Three Reasons Why A Doctor Might Order A Sonogram Of Your Torso


If you walk into a urgent care clinic with abdominal or chest pain complaints, your doctor will first perform an exam to see if there is a medical emergency. After the initial exam, the doctor may request other types of tests, including a sonogram. While most people may think of a sonogram as a tool to see a baby in utero, the sonogram can also detect other abnormalities in the body. Here are three reasons why a doctor might order a sonogram of your torso when you come into the clinic complaining of discomfort or pain.

29 April 2016

What To Expect During Your Child's ADHD Evaluation


Many parents find themselves a little apprehensive when it comes to taking their children in for an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, evaluation. This is generally because they do not know what to expect. To help make this process a little easier for you, you might want to take a moment to review the following things that you can expect from the appointment. The Parent Interview By this point, your child's doctor will have already received evaluation forms from school teachers, if your child is of school age.

19 August 2015

3 Tips For Healthy Weight Management


America is dealing with an obesity problem. This is not just something that adults face; children are at risk for obesity as well. Luckily, it is the small things that make such a difference when it comes to weight management. Here are some things you can do to control weight gain. 1. Get Enough Sleep When you are tired, your hormones and chemicals in your body are off. This will not only make you feel irritable and frustrated, it will also cause you to over eat.

2 October 2014