Changes That You May Notice Following A Qi Gong Class


When you're looking for a way to move your body with a group of other likeminded individuals, an aerobics class at a gym or a yoga class at a local studio may immediately come to mind. While both of these pursuits can be enjoyable and beneficial, you might be looking for something a little different. One option to explore is qi gong, which is an ancient Chinese practice that many people continue to enjoy today.

17 December 2020

Psoriasis: What Is It and How Is It Treated?


Psoriasis is a skin condition in which you have scaly, itchy patches on the skin. These patches can become inflamed when you scratch them and may ease from time to time, but they can reappear later. Psoriasis can be treated, but there is no cure for it. Psoriasis is an issue with the immunity system. It can be triggered by things such as stress, infection, and even the common cold. Read on for further information about psoriasis and what can be done to treat it.

6 October 2020

Is Bulimia Increasing Your Risk of Getting Cancer?


Whether you're currently seeking help for your bulimia or not, the act of eating and then purging, you should know that the action of throwing up regularly can potentially increase your risk of developing cancer. Giving up bulimia for the sake of your future is critical to reducing your risk. Here's what you should know about this risk and what you can do to get help. 1. How Bulimia Increases Risk of Cancer

16 June 2020

Three Things to Know About Having a Doula


Doulas provide emotional, educational, physical, and mental support to mothers during the birthing process. Not to be confused with midwives, doulas do not participate in the medical aspects of birth. Instead, they empower pregnant mothers to have positive birth experiences. There are also postpartum doulas that provide support to new parents with birth recovery; however, the best-known type of doulas may also be thought of as birth companions and advocates for new mothers.

11 February 2020